Turning Knowledge Into Action
<span style="line-height: 0;">+603 2722 4630<br />+603 2722 4631</span> +603 2722 4630
+603 2722 4631

Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP)

Objectives of an OACP

The Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) aims to integrate initiatives with the strategic objectives, vision, and mission of the organization, establishing them as foundational to its integrity and anti-corruption practices. Key objectives include:

  • Providing guidance in detecting and preventing corrupt practices, and developing mitigation plans to manage their consequences in compliance with anti-corruption laws and best practices.
  • Outlining a framework for proactive actions to address corruption challenges effectively and with clarity.


The methodology of the OACP employs a risk-based approach, leveraging corruption risk assessments as primary data sources for developing anti-corruption action plans. It
incorporates additional data sources such as internal audits, MACC assessment reports, and auditor general reports to evaluate internal controls and governance frameworks,
crucial for assessing the organization’s Level of Integrity.

Our team uses effectiveness indicators when mapping out action plans within the OACP. The performance of an OACP is highly dependent on embedding effectiveness indicators to support monitoring and evaluation of anti-corruption measures. The OACP developed may also be used as part of the anti-corruption compliance program, ensuring:

  • Compliance with anti-corruption laws and regulations.
  • Strengthening of the governance and integrity framework for organizations.

Recent refinements to VisionEthics’ methodology include:

  • Utilization of Effectiveness Indicators to gauge monitoring and evaluation status.
  • Conducting integrity assessments for internal and external stakeholders to categorize their status as “Satisfactory,” “Needs Improvement,” or “In Crisis,”
    thereby guiding the strategic approach to anti-corruption action plans.

This methodological clarity ensures an effective OACP by:

  • Establishing a clear roadmap for the organization’s anti-corruption initiatives over defined periods, aligning with strategic objectives.
  • Assigning ownership and timelines for monitoring successful implementation.
  • Focusing on workplace culture and ethics, engaging all stakeholders, linking to strategic action plans, and enabling continuous monitoring and evaluation.
  • Aligning with the objectives of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2024-2028 (NACS) launched by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Enhanced Methodologies

Further refinements to the OACP methodology involve:

  • Identification of performance indicators aligned with organizational strategic objectives in corruption prevention.
  • Adoption of robust monitoring and evaluation methods to track progress effectively.
  • Prioritization of action plans based on impact and complexity to ensure focused implementation.
  • Alignment of action plans with both strategic and operational goals for cohesive organizational development.

Organizational Benefits

Implementing the OACP allows organizations to systematically address current and future governance and integrity challenges. By integrating these methodologies, organizations
enhance resilience against corruption, foster transparency, and bolster accountability essential for sustainable growth.


Lot G02-G07, Level 3,
Platinum Sentral,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Office Telephone
+603 2722 4630
+603 2722 4631

[email protected]

Contact Us

Teh Chau Chin
[email protected]
+6012 651 3777

Datin Radhika Nandrajog
[email protected]
+6012 231 0337

Mohd Rezaidi Mohd Ishak
[email protected]
+6019 266 2068

Chak Tze Chin
[email protected]